Tuesday, March 31, 2009

rain rain rain...train..train

I am putting together my training program and trying to decided not only when to start but when to refigure the training days. Normally, Mondays are rest days but I swim on Mondays, so trying to readjust everything can sometimes be challlenging especially when you factor in weather, work and life in general.

This week, I need to include some cycling whether I venture outside or stay in and use my trainer. Regardless, I decided run today despite the rain in order to give me more flexibility when incorporating the bike.

I ran 3 miles with some intervals. I felt good today even though I have felt very tired. Running in the rain is as long as it is not pouring and your socks don't get wet. I have written about my horrible experience of completing a half-ironman (70.3) in the rain...one of the worst races of my life. I managed to run for 3 miles then developed the worst blisterd and walked the remaining 10 miles. Zoot makes a shoe that allows you to run without socks and with wet feet.

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