Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday morning session with Alessio

Most of us dislike Monday mornings and so at work, I try to ease into the week by not dealing with depressing or difficult tasks until the afternoon. Even in my training, Mondays were a rest day. For some reason, Alessio, our morning coach doesn't think so. I don't know much about Alessio except that he is Italian, raised in Rome, college swimmer and has great hair.

Here was our morning sets:

  • 200 warm-up
  • 4x75
  • 6x75
  • 4x75
  • 200 with a pull buoy
  • 100 easy
  • 8x50 at 1min
  • 100 easy
  • 6x50 at 55
  • 100 easy
  • 4x50 at 50
  • 100 easy

I think that was the workout give or take another 100 or 200 in there. Regardless, it was a tough monday.

We use 3 three lanes in the pool. The first lane is for the more novice swimmers, while the other two lanes are for more experienced swimmers. I started out in lane 1 but have since moved to the other lanes. Today, I was in lane three which at least today had 3 of the fastest swimmers in the program - Kira, Mike and Les and two others who were not as fast but fast nonetheless. I started last in the group and was almost lapped...embarrasing.

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