Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday Run..the long run

Yesterday, I was hoping to run in the morning to get it out of the way, but I didn't get to bed early enough, so I ran in the afternoon.

Sundays are an important running day for me. I use Sunday as day to complete my long run. As I get closer to race day (either other scheduled races or the Ironman), I use Sundays to do a brickworkout with a runnning focus. Brick workouts consist of a bike/run or run/bike combination with a focus on the bike or run. On Sundays, I may do a long run followed by a moderate paced ride. This accomplishes completing the long run but also training the body to get used different muscles.

I did not ride yesterday but instead focused on running and completed 6 miles. This is the longest run that I have done this year. I ran with a 5 min warm up at a slower pace and then picked it up around mile 2 and kept that pace the whole time.

As the season progresses, I will change my pace in order to improve my time but for now, I am trying to keep focused on completing a three day running schedule.

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