Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday run vs. are NOT the father!

Friday was a designated run day. My plan for the running is to develop a strong base of being able to run 3 times per week for at least two weeks straight and then jump into a serious training plan. I have signed up for the Geist Half-Marathon (13.1 miles) on May 17, 2009.

Due to the weather and my strong adversity to treadmills, I have not run consistently 3x per week ...maybe 2x per week without a long run. It is two months till the GHM and my goal is to finish and gauge my run progression but I need to run more consistently.

Yesterday, I decided to run at lunch. I had a sales person take up my morning and so I was severely delayed. Luckuly, the afternoon schedule started later in the afternoon. Before, the run, I prepared my GU drink, shoes, etc. During preparing my drink, I had the Maury Povich show in the background. If you have ever watched his show, you would see how much our society has devolved since the age of dinosaurs...but it is quite amusing. His show has focused on determining whether a certain person is the father through DNA testing. When he reveals whether or not the guest is the father, he would say either "You ARE the father!" or "You are NOT the father!" What does this have to do with runnning????

I started a few minutes late because I wanted to know which one of the two men were this 16 year old girls father...I never did because I needed to refocus.

Basically, I ran 3 miles yesterday at steady pace.

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