Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday morning swim..little different

Thursday morning swim was a little light in both the participants and the swim set. Normally Alessio would coach but Greta, I think is her name was coaching us...I didn't know she was a coach but she basically called out the drills. I really don't remember the drills but I may post them later. The drills were fine but instead of calling out times, for example:

  • 8x50 in 50 seconds - complete the 50 yards in 50 seconds then start and if you do it in less time, you get more rest time
She just said we have 20 second the natural tendency is to swim a little slower.

Also, Matt, our beloved All American Coach swam with us or at least swam and we tried to be like him.

Wednesday was the first time to run since the Geist Half I wanted to ease into it. I am not sore but my right knee is a little painful.

It was a beautiful day - 82 - so I wanted to take advantage of the weather.

I ran three miles...the pace was a little faster than normal...I was basing it on my HRM and my breathing...Sometimes the weather can throw that off. I noticed that heat and cold can throw the body off. I wasn't particularly sore during the run and it did feel good. 3 miles.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tuesday Swim

I woke up at 4:30 to go swim on Monday but I was so sore and tired..I went back to bed. Luckily, there is swim on Tuesdays at noon. Matt was our coach and he is very good not only at swimming but coaching us on proper form. Here was our set:

  • 200 warm up
  • 200 S.K.I.P.S. (200 - Swim, 200 - Kick, 200 - IM, 200 - Pull Buoy, 200 - Swim)
  • 100 easy
  • 8x25
  • 100 S.K.I.P.S.
  • 200 cool down

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Geist Half Marathon...better than I expected

After getting off the bus that transported me from the packet pick up location to the race start, I was rather calm. Normally, I am really nervouse. Many people have their own pre-race rituals but most have the one thing in common....requisite pre race bathroom stop or 2 or 3. During a triathlon race, I normally visit Mr. Johnny on the Spot 2-3 times. Today...only twice.

My strategy was simple:

1. Finish
2. Finish
3. Do not stop
4. Maintain a steady pace.
5. Do not worry about other passing me.
6. Be positive.
7. Drink at my own pace.

I lined up in the 2:30 section of the line. This was my first half marathon so I realized that they have pace sections.

I stood at the national anthem with my hand on my heart and cheered as planes flew over during the end.

I heard the race being and I was off....

It was a little difficult to know my pace in the beginning but I tried base it on my heart rate monitor. I was averaging 155bpm which told me that I wasn't working too hard. After mile 1, I was maintaining the same bmp and clocked in a time of 11:30...that was a little fast for my training.

What surprised me were people who would pass me, then a few minutes later, I would see them walking, then they would run passed me, and the cycle was repeated for 13 miles. What don't they just try running a consistent pace?

The course was beautiful...we ran through the nicest neighborhoods of Indianapolis and through the Geist Resovoir.

There were some inclines but after hitting all the mile markers, my pace stayed between 11:30 and 11:46. I was pacing three females and an older gentleman who was speed walking. He was pretty fast for speed walking...maybe he was running then.

When Mile 7.5 came, so came the hills...nice long, rolling hills. My paced dropped to as low as 12:45. I was thinking about tweeting during the race, but I wanted to stay focused.

People tell me that in a half marathon, there are two parts to it: 1) the first 10 mile and 2) the last 3.1 miles. Same thing with a marathon. I kept telling myself that I didn't want to belive that....any sport is more mental than physical. The mind is definitely more powerful than the body.

At mile 10, I was fine...I felt really good. During the race, I only ate one GU about 1:00 into the race.

When mile 11 hit, I was getting tired...I was very tempted to stop and walk, but I knew if I stopped, I may not I kept going...mile 11 was the last hill also. I decided to just try to shuffle and maintain some sort of pace.

When I saw the bridge crossing the resovoir, I knew was almost at the end. I really wanted to stop but I kept going and knowing that it was almost over. There were a group that I was running with the last 6 miles and they were ahead of me so I decided that I wanted to pass was my own little victory and that no one would pass me during the last quarter mile. While in the middle of the bridge, I sprinted, passed the group and kept going...around the corner and finally to the finish line....FINALLY!!!!

I finished my first half marathon of the season. My longest run before that was 8 miles so I was really happy. This race would be the benchmark for my runnning for the season. I believed that if I performed well, than I was on pace to finish Ironman Louisville...we will see.

After I stopped, I was hurting...really knees and and thighs were in a lot of pain and stairs....forget it.....

Monday, May 18, 2009

Driving down to Indy...

I drove to Indy on Friday night and actually drove through a tornado. Yes..I did...For those of you who remember, my friend Rob and I were driving to Terre Haute for a triathlon and it started to rain...pour...and the winds were extremely strong. We realized that a tornado had touched down a few miles of where we were. On Friday night, the conditions were very similar and when I stopped to get gas, the attendant told me that that a tornado had touched down 4 miles away near the Subaru plant.
Rob was very happy that I arrived in Indy not only because of the tornado but because I have tendency to arrive the day before a race after midnight and we end up having only 3 hours of sleep. This time, I arrived at 10:30, we drove the course and we were in bed by midnight.
For whatever reason, I couldn’t fall asleep and felt like closed my eyes and the next thing, I heard was my alarm going off.

Geist Half Marathon...the morning of....

Sorry for slacking on the posts.

Last Saturday, I ran in the Geist Half Marathon. It was a scenic run around the Geist Resovoir which is located in the northern part of Indianapolis. That area is basically the North Shore of Indy. It was a very nice run. I call it the Champagne and Caviar Half because of its location and because the stark difference in the scenery compared to the Mini Marathon. For those of you who have run the Mini, you understand.

The morning started out fine. I had a Starbucks Double Shot Light because I need the caffeine and didn't know if I had time to make or get coffee. This a good product for those who need their morning Joe and aren't sure if there are places near the race area. I also had a bowl of oatmeal.

My mistake last year in my training is that I ate too much...I ate every half a result, I didn't lose any weight.

I also made decided to use my fuel belt.
The races always have aid/water stations but my strategy was to maintain a consistent pace. If stopped for water or even slowed down, then I would be tempted to stop and just walk. Also, I wanted to drink when I felt the need and not depend on the aid stations.

For this race, I drank the GU2O drink instead of Gatorade since I was training with GU2O.

I also packed two GU gels. I wore a short sleeve running shirt, 2XU Compression Tights and my Injinji Socks .

I cannot talk enough about compression tights for both running and recovery. I have both the 2XU and Skins brands. Also, I love the Injinji socks because it keeps my toes separated.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Wednesday...Bike...112 miles, are you kidding me

The weather was ok, a little chilly or maybe I am more sensitive to the cold this year. During this ride, I wore:

1. Tri shoes - later I will explain the difference between road and tri shoes
2. Shoe booties - I was going to wear the toe warmers but opted for the whole bootie
3. Bib shorts
4. Short Sleeve Jersey
5. Arm warmers
6. Helmet
7. Glasses.

As I mentioned above, I will go into more detail about some of these these items that people don't normally wear such as the arm or leg warmers and booties.

Today was a relatively short ride - 25 miles. Some may say that it's not short but that depends on the distance you are racing. For a spring race (13m bike), it is long but for the Iroman (112m), it is a warm up.

During the ride I was focusing on the correct pedal stroke but I remembered that I still need to get fitted for the bike. Also, I need to purchase new cleats for my shoe. Currently, I ride a Look Keo pedal with the grey cleats. The grey cleats allows me to move within the pedal something like 5 degrees. Since I have horrible feet and use wedges in my cleat, I think have no movement is better.

During the second half of the ride...I call it the second half because once I get to the Botanic Gardens, it's time to go back, I was thinking to myself "how the hell am I going to complete 112 when I am tired after 13?"

Tuesday Run

It is nice to have the weather improve. Although I don't mind running in the cold, running with just a long sleeve shirt is really nice. I am less than two weeks away from the half-marathon and hoping to finish it. Today I ran 3 miles.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday so

Mondays seem to come quickly after a Saturday morning session. Alessio seems to be letting up a little...maybe its the summer, the Cubs or he is having good weekends. Here was for the most part our workout:
  • 200 freestyle with pull buoy
  • 100 back
  • 5x25 freestyle (2x drill, 2x progression, 1 all out)
  • 5x25 anything but free (2x drill, 2x progression, 1 all out)
  • 50 easy
  • 10x50 freestyle in .50
  • 2x200 freestyle (150 with pull buoy, 50 backstroke)

We are schedule to swim against the University of Chicago Masters Swim. I have signed up for a half marathon the next day so I don't know what I will be swimming, if any. Alessio suggested a 500...500...what? I have to think about it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday Bike Ride...not too bad

After swim and breakfast, I got on the saddle and completed a short ride...25 miles at an average speed of 19 mph. Since it's early, I need to get accustomed to sitting on the aerobars. Before, I really get into the cycling I need to get fitted for my bike and have it tuned up. The next few posts will talk about the bike fitting and bike tune ups.

Saturday Swim

Now that tax season is over, I don't rush to the office to see clients. Now, I have breakfast with some of the team, go home and do a ride. I need to remember to right down what did that morning. On Saturday, Leah coached us. She likes to do more distance and drills. I can't really remember what we did...sorry.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thursday Swim

Alessio wasn't too bad on us today:

  • 4x75
  • 4x75 with pull
  • 6x25 freestyle – (25 with pull almost catchup, 25 fast)
  • 6x25 anything but free (25 with pull and crossed legs, 25 fast)
  • 4x75
  • 2x50
  • 3x75
  • 3x50

When any of the coaches give us the workout set, they normally give us a time to complete it (e.g. 50 free in 1:10). I kind of understand it but because I normalyl don't swim first in the lane, I really just watch everyone else...I know...really bad...keeping track of time helps understand pace. Yesterday, Mandy was in the lane next to me and helped me keep pace....Thank you Mandy!!!