Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday Swim..not too bad

Saturday's are good and bad...good in that I get an hour extra of sleep before practice...bad - practice is 15 minutes longer and as Jean put.."the extra 15 minutes make a difference." Today, however, Leah wasn't too harsh on us. We focused on balance and keeping the body in the right position. Moving the body in one direct when you take the stroke or breathe will affect efficiency and speed.

  • 200 warmup
  • 50 swim on one side (25 right, 25 left)
  • 50 swim on one side with breathing (25 right, 25 left) - focus on arm being out of water
  • 50 swim on one side (25 right, 25 left) - she called it stop stop shark fin. Head out of water (stop), turn head (stop), pull the arm that is closer to surface and bend it so it makes a shark fin out of the water...the key is make sure that the body maintain its position
  • 50 easy
  • 5x100 (negative splits)
  • 50 easy
  • 100 Individual Medley - note - I really only one stroke really well..freestyle...I can do the backstroke...but I feel like I am drowning...Mandy calls me the Thrasher...apparently, I thrash my arms like I am drowning...there is some truth to that
  • 100 IM with kickboard
  • 100 cool down

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