Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Swim...a 400...are you kidding me?

What a better way to start a work week and a Monday with a a 400, 300 and 200. Alessio had us focus on balance and distance:

  • 4X50 (Catch up with Drag)

  • 4X75 IM (50 FREE, 25 Reverse IM Order)

  • 6X25 with pull buoy 2x25 UP, 2x25 KNEES, 2x25 ANKLE)*

  • 100 EASY

  • 400 with Pull (That's right...400!!!)

  • 100 faster
    300 with Pull

  • 100 faster

  • 200 with Pull

  • 100 faster

* I dont understand this legs sank...and I kept losing the pull buoy.

Before joining the team, I would just swim....70, 80 lengths but since joining the team, we have swam shorter distances. It is nice to swim the longer distances, since it helps in preparing for the races.

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