Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday Run in the rain.

Some of the members of the Swim Team asked me to run the Ravenswood 5k. I opted not to so I can focus on my running at my own pace and to complete a 7 mile run. I have less than a month before the Geist Half Marathon.

Last Sunday I ran 6 miles in the rain. In the middle of the run, it just started to downpour. I used to not like to run in the rain because of the blister potential. Last year, I competed in a the Muncie Endurathon - half ironman - and it rained the whole time. During the run portion, I developed blisters after 3 miles...it was so painful, that I walked the 10.2 miles. It was horrible.

For whatever reason, I felt stronger during the downpour and loved it...you should try it sometime.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Saturday Bike Ride...finally!

After the not-so-great swim meet, I decided that I needed to take the bike out for the first time. I didn't thoroughly clean or lube it but just sprayed the chain and free wheel with some lubricant to get me through the short ride.

I did a 13 mile ride...not very long but I really wanted to get a feel for the bike and I did feel it because my butt hurts!

During the ride, it started to rain which is fine but stopping becomes an issue...remember to give ample time when stopping and making turns.

Monday Swim...a 400...are you kidding me?

What a better way to start a work week and a Monday with a a 400, 300 and 200. Alessio had us focus on balance and distance:

  • 4X50 (Catch up with Drag)

  • 4X75 IM (50 FREE, 25 Reverse IM Order)

  • 6X25 with pull buoy 2x25 UP, 2x25 KNEES, 2x25 ANKLE)*

  • 100 EASY

  • 400 with Pull (That's right...400!!!)

  • 100 faster
    300 with Pull

  • 100 faster

  • 200 with Pull

  • 100 faster

* I dont understand this one...my legs sank...and I kept losing the pull buoy.

Before joining the team, I would just swim....70, 80 lengths but since joining the team, we have swam shorter distances. It is nice to swim the longer distances, since it helps in preparing for the races.

Saturday Swim Meet

Last Saturday, we had a swim meet and like the previous swim meet, I chose to compete in three events:

200 yd. freestyle
50 yd. freestyle
100 yd. freestyle

Two words will describe the meet...."I choked..."

I didn't start out very confident to begin with. Last time, I didn't think there was a 200 event so, I didn't worry about it and just swam. This time, I thought and thought about the 200 and maybe siked myself out of it.

I remember starting the 200 and looking to my right and seeing Gina. I tried to keep up with her and even move past her but that wasn't smart during the first 25 of a 200. Add to that that I was in an end lane and the "waves" are stronger, especially after they hit the wall. After the first 75, I became tired and started to swallow water and panick...I didn't finish the 200...it was more like a 150.

It was downhill after that. I was tired and psychologically defeated that I was not into either the 100 and 50.

There is always next month...we are swimming against University of Chicago Masters Swim Team.

I am back...

I am sorry that it has been awhile since I have posted my training activities. Although, I have been swimming, my heart and mind has not been in it. I am making an effort to push past whats troubling me and re-focus on training.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Swim and Pull Technique

As I child I didn't swim much...I played around in the pool but never really learned how to swim formally. I asked my mom and she claims that I didn't want to take lessons but I remember having a crush on the swim instructor...Lynn...I think was her name so that doesn't make sense.

I learned how to swim through Well Fit Training which teaches the total immersion concept. Basically, it focuses on rotating your body to make it more hydrodynamic. When I started Masters Swim, both Alessio and Matt severely changed my stroke. They said that I over-rotated and that my pull was very weak. Their directions were completely counter to total immersion. I quickly learned that triathlete swimming was different than pool swimming. Which was correct? I have been swimming like a triathlete or like a total immersion triathlete.

Today, I realized that maybe pool swimming may not be that different from triathlete swimming and that pool swimming is different than total immersion swimming and pool swimming is the correct way to swim.

When I say pool swimming, I mean swimming the way high school and college swimmers are taught - minimal rotation, head slighly above the water and bending your elbows depending on the distance of the competition.

When I learned Total Immersion, I was taught to bend my enter the water, bend my wrist, elbows and then pull....this would create three opportunities to "catch" the water. When I joined Galter, Alessio told me to not bend my elbows and just pull but also follow through and touch my thumb to my thigh.

This week we have focused on pulling and have done many drills. I guess the proper way is as follows:

1. enter water at the point of the opposite wrist;
2 extend the arm past the opposite hand
3. pull

Now, depending on the distance, the pull is different.

Short Distances - 25-50

Complete 1 and 2 above but during the pull, the arm stays straight.

Medium Distance - 50-200

Complete 1 and 2 above but during the pull, slightly bend the elbows while pulling

Long Distances - 1+ mile

Complete 1 and 2 above but during the pull, bend the elbows while pulling. This is very close to the type way I was taught to pull.

Interesting....very intersting...

  • 1oo warm up
  • 50 kick with a kick board
  • 4x25 with a kickboard alternating arms and focusing on extending the arm prior to the pull
  • 4x25 with a kickboard alternating arms and focusing on extending the arm prior to the pull and catch up
  • 4x100 at 1:00
  • 2x200 at 2:00
  • 50 easy

A different type of injury

I apologize for not blogging this past week. It has been a really rough week which has caused me to question whether or not I want to continue not only blogging about my training but whether I will race any of my races this year or just sit home get up late and eat Dairy Queen every day. As I have mentioned time and time again, sometimes life gets in the way of life.

Emotional issues tend to have a far greater effect on the mind and body than physical issues. I seemed to have lost the desire to wake early, swim or pretty much do anything. Despite those feelings, I managed to complete a 4 mile run. I think I did it as way to beat myself up or beat out my ill feelings. Also, i swam 3 times, however each time, I felt as if I was about to panic. Many times, while swimming, I wanted to get out and quit.

Last year, I was injured during the beginning of the season which although lacking the ability to complete a run left the burning desire to run that when I returned to running, I was more dedicated and intense. When the inability to complete any kind of training is a result of emotional or psychological reasons, I think the harm is worse.

I have tried to refocus my efforts into training and hopefully by next week, I will return to the same intensity and desire that has lead me to get this far.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday Run

I worked late on Thursday so Friday, I took the morning to do a run....3 miles...tempo run...slighlt above my 5k pace..it felt better but the cold really affects my run.

Saturday Swim..not too bad

Saturday's are good and bad...good in that I get an hour extra of sleep before practice...bad - practice is 15 minutes longer and as Jean put.."the extra 15 minutes make a difference." Today, however, Leah wasn't too harsh on us. We focused on balance and keeping the body in the right position. Moving the body in one direct when you take the stroke or breathe will affect efficiency and speed.

  • 200 warmup
  • 50 swim on one side (25 right, 25 left)
  • 50 swim on one side with breathing (25 right, 25 left) - focus on arm being out of water
  • 50 swim on one side (25 right, 25 left) - she called it stop stop shark fin. Head out of water (stop), turn head (stop), pull the arm that is closer to surface and bend it so it makes a shark fin out of the water...the key is make sure that the body maintain its position
  • 50 easy
  • 5x100 (negative splits)
  • 50 easy
  • 100 Individual Medley - note - I really only one stroke really well..freestyle...I can do the backstroke...but I feel like I am drowning...Mandy calls me the Thrasher...apparently, I thrash my arms like I am drowning...there is some truth to that
  • 100 IM with kickboard
  • 100 cool down

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thursday Swim

My uncle took my car to get it fixed and didn't tell me that he wasn't going to return until friday. My swimming bag was in the car. which included my swimming jammers (different from a speedo), goggles, etc. I adapted...luckily I have 30 other goggles at home but unfortunately, they are at home and not in my swim bag because they don't fit well. I will have to write a post on swimming goggles sometime.

Alessio, who was all decked out in his Cubs wear was harsh but not too harsh. Oh yeah...thank you Amanda for always helping me remember our swim sets.

  • 6x75 (25 80% 50 100%)
  • 4x25 freestyle (2 regular, 2 with pullbuoy)
  • 4x25 any stroke but freestyle (2 regular, 2 with pullbuoy)
  • 100 (25 progression, 25 regression, 50 100%)
  • 100 Easy
  • 100 (25 progression, 25 regression, 50 100%)
  • 200 Easy
  • 100 Cool Down.